Students should wear identity cards inside the campus and also when attending any meetings outside the campus. Any violation of these orders will lead to a disciplinary action.
All students are directed to note that the use of mobile phones in the college campus is strictly banned as per the H.P Govt. norms (vide letter No. EDN-HE (21) B (15) 15/2017-V Directorate of Higher Education H.P Shimla-I). The defaulters will be dealt with as per college discipline rules.
Students need to check the College Notice Board every day (Once at the time of entering the college and once at the time while leaving the college). Because the administrative work communication is only by means of notices pasted on the college notice board. Students are bound to take an immediate action in respect of any kind of notice concerned with him or her personally of any group associated with him/her.
The disciplines B.B.A. and B.C.A where uniform is mandatory must wear proper uniform as per the respective uniform rules mentioned in their prospectus. Any violation of uniform rules will lead to a disciplinary action.
Students need to attend minimum 75% theory and practical classes irrespective of any kind of sanctioned leave as per the guidelines issued by Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. The student failing to complete 75% attendance will not be allowed to appear in their respective final examination.
The name of the student, who remains absent for 10 days continuously from any class, shall be struck off from the college rolls. However, the Principal at his/her discretion and after the recommendation from teacher concerned may re-admit such student on the payment of the readmission fee (which will be Rs. 100/- for first time and Rs. 200/- for second time). Such students must get re-admitted within 15 days from the date on which his/her name is struck off.
A candidate whose name is struck off three times will not be re-admitted in the college.
Absence Fine (Per period) is Rs.1.00, Absence Fine (per practical) is Rs. 3.00 and Absence from House test (per paper) will be Rs.10.00
All sanctioned duty leaves of NCC cadets, NSS volunteers and Scouts & Guides will be considered by faculty members for attendance. It is the sole responsibility of the students to notify the same to their respective faculty members.
Students need to meet their respective Mentor (Allocated by IQAC Cell) in the beginning of the session.
Students need to attend all the Mentor-Mentee meetings notified by their respective Mentor.
For both mental and physical development of a student, he/she needs to join at least one club or society actively working in the college.
Participation of parents in Parent Teacher Association is also mandatory.
In case of any change in contact details including contact number, email ID and address, students need to inform in the office/library and IT-Division of college.
Students need to fill the student feedback form, student satisfaction survey and student progression form as and when called by IQAC cell of the college.
Students need to attend all major functions of the college including Annual Prize Distribution Function, CSCA Function, Annual Sports meet and other functions irrespective of his/her participation in the respective function.
Any student permanently leaving the college during (in between) their degree/diploma programme due to any reason needs to report their respective Mentor, all the Faculty Members associated with their respective course and IQAC Cell of the college. Any student violating these rules leads to non-issuing of the character or other certificates from institution.
After completion of their respective degree/diploma programme, students need to report to their respective mentor and IQAC cell about their higher education prospective or career prospective. Students need to Join the MPGDC-AAA (Alumni Association) after completion of his/her degree programme at least as primary member. He/she may become the life member of AlumniAssociation after paying the requisite fee, prescribed by the association.
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Phone: 01976-260032
Email: govtcollegeamb@gmail.com