Students’ Services Centre
Students Services Centre is a completely confidential Service devoted to supporting the emotional well-being of the students.
“It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to ask for help”
Students’ Services Centre
Students Services Centre is a completely confidential Service devoted to supporting the emotional well-being of the students.
“It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to ask for help”
How do I know when I am addicted to alcohol or drugs or any other substance?
Nobody drinks, smokes, or takes recreational drugs in order to be an addict. In fact, most will insist they are in control and they can stop anytime they want. However, pleasure can easily lead to dependence, and just as easily to addiction. Once addicted, the substance is in control, and one requires professional intervention, personal motivation, and a support system to return to holistic wellness.
If you identify with any of the following statements, you should definitely seek professional advice.
• I frequently feel that I absolutely have to take the substance.
• I cannot control my compulsion to take the substance, nor how much of it I take.
• I cannot function properly when I’m abstinent.
• I feel that I need more and more each time to get sufficiently high or be completely satisfied.
• I seem to be neglecting or losing interest in all other activities.
• Sometimes I need a drink as soon as I wake up to feel alright.
• Other people have told me that I have a substance abuse problem.
• I understand that my substance use is harming me and/or others.
• I want to decrease my substance intake but I’m unable to.
• I feel guilty about my substance use.
1. How do I know if I need help?
At various times, all of us have experienced distress or felt overwhelmed, sometimes because of certain events, and at other times for no specific reason known to us. And very often, we do need help.
If you identify with any of the following statements, you should definitely seek professional advice.
Most of the time these days, I don’t feel like myself.
I’ve lost someone (or something) important to me and I’m having trouble coping with it.
Something terrible happened to me and I can’t seem to put it behind me.
I feel sad and/or angry most of the time.
I feel unwell but the doctor says that I’m healthy.
I’m sleeping much less/more than I usually do and it’s affecting my life.
I don’t enjoy the things that I used to earlier.
I have some disturbing thoughts that I cannot seem to control.
I’m having trouble concentrating.
I’m trying to change something about myself but I’m not able to.
I have recurrent stress and anxiety about my academic work
I feel socially isolated and disconnected
I find it hard to manage my daily life without consuming certain substances
I feel that I am on social networking and/or gaming sites more than I should be
2. What sort of help will I get?
Your well-being and comfort is of prime importance to us. We could help you meet a therapist or a doctor, or put you in touch with relevant departments in KMC. Please let us know your concerns and we will do our best to address them.
You can expect the following from us:
Complete confidentiality
Friendly, warm, non-judgmental atmosphere, and minimal paperwork
Sessions with trained and competent clinical psychologists
Consultations with visiting psychiatrists, when required and with your consent, in the comfort of a private space away from the hospital
Any guidance or referrals you need for other health services offered to students at Manipal
Most importantly, we are here to assure you that you are not alone.
3. Who will hear about my meeting with SSC?
Nobody, unless you wish SSC to get in touch with someone and keep them in the loop about your situation. Your confidentiality and privacy is of the utmost importance to us.
4. Will the college authorities/ parents/ teachers/ friends/ my peer group etc. be informed that I sought help from SSC?
No, not unless there is a specific person that you guide SSC towards informing, none of the mentioned will be contacted about your therapy and treatment without your permission.
5. How much will I have to spend for the help I get at SSC?
All therapy sessions and medical consultations at SSC are covered by Medicare, your student health insurance, and you will not have to pay anything to SSC.
6. Will I be prescribed medicines?
We are here so that you can talk to someone neutral and professional. You will not be directed to a doctor or prescribed medicines till the full extent of your situation is discussed and understood. Please note that you will not be forced to take any medication against your consent. If your therapist feels that you may require medical intervention for your well-being, it will be discussed with you and the decision to continue the sessions will be yours.
7. How do I know if I am eligible to access SSC services?
All students currently enrolled for any program at MAHE are eligible to access SSC services. SSC also supports students enrolled at TAPMI. Please contact our office if you need further clarifications.
8. What if my appointment clashes with class timings?
When you first contact us, we will offer you some time slots to choose from, depending on the availability of the therapists. We encourage you to take appointments that do not clash with your class timings. For ongoing sessions, appointments will be given in consultation with you. While we will do our best to accommodate your requests, please appreciate that SSC caters to several students and the calendar gets booked in advance. Thank you for your cooperation.
9. Do I have to inform my teachers about my visit/ (s) to the SSC?
Not unless you wish to do so. You are free to discuss your relationship with SSC to anyone you like, but only if you feel compelled to do so. At no point will the SSC team put any pressure on you to do so.
10. Will this reflect on my academic records?
No. All records at SSC are confidential (only for documentation and treatment purposes) and not linked to hospital records, though it will be covered by your student insurance (Medicare). Your visits at SSC will not be part of your academic transcripts or records in any way.
11. What does therapy involve? What will happen during my sessions?
Talking to someone who is trained to listen, guide, and treat is known to be an effective way to address many emotional, mental, and physical challenges. It always helps to get another perspective on our thoughts from a neutral trained professional. The nature of sessions depends on the individual therapist and your requirements, and you should always talk about your comfort or discomfort openly to the therapist. If deemed necessary, the therapist might recommend relaxation sessions or group sessions. Again, the choice to be there, to seek any help offered to you, is always yours.
12. Do I get to choose the therapist I want to talk to?
The Centre is currently being run with a small albeit talented staff and we request your cooperation in scheduling meetings. Our effort will be to get you a meeting with the therapist of your choice, but in some instances, and depending on the urgency of the situations, you may be requested to talk to an available therapist. If you are already seeing one of our therapists, you can continue to do so with advance appointments.
13. Won’t people look at me differently if they know I visit a therapist?
There is no denying that there is peer pressure and social judgment around any mental health difficulties, but there is also no denying that this needs to be questioned and that the situation is fast changing. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to ask for help. Everybody has some form of anxieties and everybody struggles at some time in their life. Surely this is reason enough to treat psychotherapy on par with any other treatment we seek for our health. The stigma is more self-perceived than in our surroundings. However, acknowledging the difficulties of visiting the hospital and in an effort to be sensitive to your concerns about privacy, SSC has been set up in a separate and private building.
14. What if I don’t believe in psychotherapy?
Kindly keep in mind that an important part of psychotherapy is about finding the right therapist for our temperaments and needs. Very often, when this does not happen, people tend to question any kind of ‘talking cure’. The only way to know if something works for you is to come to our Centre with an open mind and talk to us.
15. What if my friend is in distress?
Talk privately. Take your friend aside, share your concerns, and ask them directly if anything is troubling them. Trust your instinct. If you feel that your friend is distressed, they probably are. Reach out to them or enlist the support of others. If you feel that your friend may be at risk of harming themselves or others, ask direct questions. Mentioning the word ‘suicide’ does not plant the idea in someone else’s mind.
Listen. Sometimes just having someone to vent out to can do wonders. Listen attentively and with sensitivity.
Do not judge. Your friend’s problem may seem insignificant to you, but to them it’s real. Acknowledge that and do not undermine their pain.
Seek help. Encourage your friend to seek professional help and point out that seeking help is a sign of strength and courage, rather than weakness or failure. If your friend is contemplating suicide, don’t promise to keep it a secret. Reach out to other mature adults who can help. If the danger to self is imminent, do not leave them alone; seek help immediately.
Recognize your limits. You can offer support but you may not be able to solve your friend’s problem. Ensure that you clarify expectations and maintain clear boundaries. If you feel overwhelmed, enlist the support of others.
16. How do I know when I am addicted to alcohol or drugs or any other substance?
Nobody drinks, smokes, or takes recreational drugs in order to be an addict. In fact, most will insist they are in control and they can stop anytime they want. However, pleasure can easily lead to dependence, and just as easily to addiction. Once addicted, the substance is in control, and one requires professional intervention, personal motivation, and a support system to return to holistic wellness.
If you identify with any of the following statements, you should definitely seek professional advice.
I frequently feel that I absolutely have to take the substance.
I cannot control my compulsion to take the substance, nor how much of it I take.
I cannot function properly when I’m abstinent.
I feel that I need more and more each time to get sufficiently high or be completely satisfied.
I seem to be neglecting or losing interest in all other activities.
Sometimes I need a drink as soon as I wake up to feel alright.
Other people have told me that I have a substance abuse problem.
I understand that my substance use is harming me and/or others.
I want to decrease my substance intake but I’m unable to.
I feel guilty about my substance use.
Sr. No. | Name Dr./Sh./Prof./Ms. | Designation | Position |
1 | Darshan Kumar | Principal | Committee Chairman |
2 | Rekha Sharma | Asstt. Professor | Member |
3 | Satpal Singh | Asstt. Professor | Member |
4 | Suruchi Sharma | Asstt. Professor | Member |
5 | Pawan K. Patial | Asstt. Professor | Member |
6 | Anil Verma | Asstt. Professor | Member |
7 | Shruti | Asstt. Professor | Member |
8 | Rachna | Senior Assistant | Member |
9 | Ambrish Dogra |
| Member |
10 | CSCA President |
| Member |
Participant Detail Mr. Dinesh Sharma Associate Professor DAV Model College Kotkhai Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. Dinesh SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p01
Participant Detail Dr. Nidhi Sharma Assistant Professor Govt. College Daulatpur Chowk Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Nidhi SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p02
Participant Detail Mr. Ankur Mahajan Assistant Professor Govt. College Matour Kangra Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. Ankur MahajannMPGCAMBnfdp2020p03
Participant Detail Dr. Nidhi Sharma Assistant Professor Govt. College Matour Kangra Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Nidhi SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p04
Participant Detail Dr. R. K. Kaundal Associate Professor Govt. Degree College Matour Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. R. K. KaundalMPGCAMBfdp2020p05
Participant Detail Dr. Joginder Singh Dulta Associate Professor DAV Centenary College Kotkhai (Shimla) Session Details Participant present in last 2 sessions on 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Joginder Singh DultaMPGCAMBfdp2020p06
Participant Detail Dr. Nidhi Sharma Assistant Professor Govt. College Matour Kangra Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Nidhi SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p04
Participant Detail Dr. Nidhi Sharma Assistant Professor Govt. College Matour Kangra Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Nidhi SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p04
Participant Detail Ms. Sonia Rathour Assistant Professor Govt. College Jukhala, Bilaspur Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Ms. Sonia RathourMPGCAMBfdp2020p10
Participant Detail Ms. Shveta Sharma Assistant Professor Govt. P.G. College Una Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Ms. Shveta SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p11
Participant Detail Dr. Ranju Banota Assistant Professor Govt. P.G. College Una Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Ranju BanotaMPGCAMBfdp2020p12
Participant Detail Ms. Anu Lakhanpal Attri Associate Professor Music (Inst) Govt. P.G. College Una Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Ms. Anu Lakhanpal AttriMPGCAMBfdp2020p13
Dr. Sumiksha Associate Professor Govt. P.G. College Una
Participant Detail Dr. Itty Sharma Assistant Professor Govt. Sanskrit College Kiartoo Shimla Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Itty SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p15
Participant Detail
Mr. Harjeet Singh
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Mr. Harjeet SinghMPGCAMBfdp2020p16
Participant Detail
Dr. Sunil Rayat
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Dr. Sunil RayatMPGCAMBfdp2020p17
Participant Detail
Mr. Vijainder Singh
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Mr. Vijainder SinghMPGCAMBfdp2020p18
Participant Detail Ms. Rekha Sharma Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Ms. Rekha SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p19
Participant Detail Mr. Ashutosh Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. AshutoshMPGCAMBfdp2020p20
Participant Detail Dr. Godawari Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. GodawariMPGCAMBfdp2020p21
Participant Detail Dr. Kumari Sujata Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Kumari SujataMPGCAMBfdp2020p22
Participant Detail
Ms. Anita Sharma
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Ms. Anita SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p23
Participant Detail
Dr. Richu Kalia
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Dr. Richu KaliaMPGCAMBfdp2020p24
Participant Detail Mr. Shyam Kalia Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. Shyam KaliaMPGCAMBfdp2020p25
Participant Detail Mr. Jag Mohan Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. Jag MohanMPGCAMBfdp2020p26
Participant Detail
Dr. Satinder Kumar
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Dr. Satinder KumarMPGCAMBfdp2020p27
Participant Detail Dr. Bindia Chandel Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Bindia ChandelMPGCAMBfdp2020p28
Participant Detail Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Rajneesh KumarMPGCAMBfdp2020p29
Participant Detail
Mr. Lakhbir Singh
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Mr. Lakhbir SinghMPGCAMBfdp2020p30
Participant Detail
Dr. Nitin Kumar Sharma
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Dr. Nitin Kumar SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p31
Participant Detail
Ms. Shilpa Kochhar
Assistant Professor
Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Ms. Shilpa KochharMPGCAMBfdp2020p32
Participant Detail Ms. Preeti Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Ms. PreetiMPGCAMBfdp2020p33
Participant Detail Dr. Manoj Kumar Kahol Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College Amb (Una) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Manoj Kumar KaholMPGCAMBfdp2020p36
Participant Detail
Dr. Rajinder Kashyap
Associate Professor
RKMV Shimla
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Dr. Rajinder KashyapMPGCAMBfdp2020p37
Participant Detail
Ms. Promila Devi
Assistant Professor
S. D. W. G. Govt. College Beetan, District Una(H.P)
Session Details
Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020.
Barcode ID
Ms. Promila DeviMPGCAMBfdp2020p39
Participant Detail Ms. Richa Sharma Assistant Professor S. D. W. G. Govt. College Beetan, District Una(H.P) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Ms. Richa SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p38
Organizer's Detail Dr. Sophia Prabhakar Associate Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College, Amb Session Details Organizer present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Sophia Prabhakar\MPGCAMB\FDP2020O03
Organizer's Detail Mr. Darshan Kumar Associate Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College, Amb FDP-Patron Session Details Organizer present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. Darshan Kumar\MPGCAMB\FDP2020O02
Organizer's Detail Dr. Suruchi Sharma Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College, Amb FDP-Coordinator Session Details Organizer present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Dr. Suruchi Sharma\MPGCAMB\FDP2020O05
Participant Detail Ms. Richa Sharma Assistant Professor S. D. W. G. Govt. College Beetan, District Una(H.P) Session Details Participant present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Ms. Richa SharmaMPGCAMBfdp2020p38
Organizer's Detail Mr. Amit Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College, Amb FDP-Organizing Secretary Session Details Organizer present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. Amit Kumar Sharma\MPGCAMB\FDP2020O07
Organizer's Detail Mr. Anil Verma Assistant Professor Maharana Pratap Govt. Degree College, Amb FDP-Organizing Secretary Session Details Organizer present in all the sessions on 24th & 25th September, 2020. Barcode ID Mr. Anil Verma\MPGCAMB\FDP2020O08