Ragging inside and outside of the college campus is strictly prohibited, if any student is found indulging in ragging directly or indirectly the college authorities shall be under obligation under rule 22,17(a) (b) (c) (d) of the HP University Ordinance to expel the guilty students from the college. “Ragging includes any type of physical or mental torture inflicted by any individual or group,by words or in conduct, which creates an apprehension in the mind of a person that he/she studies free from any mental disturbance or torture created there by any person who aids or abets such action shall guilty of such ragging”.
All students who seek admission to the college shall submit an undertaking to this effect in their admission forms.
Any student found guilty of ragging shall have to face disciplinary action and an FIR will be lodged.
All students who seek admission to the college shall submit an undertaking to this effect in their admission forms.
Any student found guilty of ragging shall have to face disciplinary action and an FIR will be lodged.
“Ragging includes display of noisy, disorderly conduct, teasing, rough or rude treatment, including rowdy indisciplined and obscene activities which cause or likely to cause annoyance under hardship, physical or psychological harm or mental trauma or raise apprehension or fear in a fresher or other students ,or forcing a student to do any embarrassment or danger to his/her life or limb or indulging in eve teasing’.
(Honorable Supreme Court)
Ragging is strictly prohibited
It is a Punishable offence
Leading to Fine, Rustication and Imprisonment
Ragging is strictly prohibited
It is a Punishable offence
Leading to Fine, Rustication and Imprisonment